Coinnest is offline everywhere including Singapore
At this moment our best crypto exchange for Singapore is: BYDFi. If you are searching for an alternative to Coinnest you should start there. To browse all of the best crypto exchanges available for you, see our list: Singapore Crypto Exchange
#1 Alternative in Singapore for Coinnest
Deposit in BTC or USDT to fund your trading account
Trade hundreds of cryptocurrencies against USDT
Copy trading program allows you to copy the most successful users
Uphold Rewards: Earn Free Crypto and Cash Back in Singapore with Every Transaction Uphold is introducing Uphold Rewards, a new feature that rewards Singaporeans with free crypto and cashback for every transaction they make on the platform. The program is integrated seamlessly, allowing users to accumulate rewards over time. Users can track their earned rewards within the app. [See Post]
Complete Tasks and Claim USDT Rewards at ByDfi ByDfi is a platform where Singapore users can earn $2888 by completing tasks and claiming rewards. It offers a mystery box, KYC, and rewards like 2USDT or Google Authenticator and more community rewards. [See Post]