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Right now, Bitcoin is one of the most popular digital currencies in the world. Like all the other similar cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin is decentralized, and its value is intrinsic. This means that it depends on the value placed by users. Additionally, it may be influenced by the demand and supply forces, cost of mining, acceptability, and government regulations, if there are any. However, people have questions such as what it takes to buy and sell Bitcoins in Singapore. Has the government placed regulations in place? Is it safe?
Singaporeans enjoy various programs that offer a chance to buy and sell cryptos and other cryptocurrencies. However, you have to consider a few factors before deciding on the best one. They include:
• Customer service: You have a wide range of options. Therefore, the last thing you want is to choose a program that has a faulty customer support team.
• Banking relationships in Singapore: The Singaporean government has put regulations in place that make it difficult for international exchanges to get bank accounts. You should choose a program that allows you to deposit SGD.
• Pricing: Different programs charge different fees and prices. Thus, when making your choice, you have to consider this as one of the primary factors. Some charge a flat rate of 6% while others incorporate it in the customer fess.
• Method of funding: Using Singapore dollars is the best funding option. Therefore, you have to make sure your program of choice supports your desired funding method. It could either be in cash, bank transfer, or credit card.
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Bitcoin is the most popular crypto, but it is just one of many. Here is our list of the most popular cryptocurrencies for Singapore: